want to make a difference

a personal compas!

of not knowing

the sea instead
In the era of continuous change it sometimes feels like the ground underneath is shaky, and what do you do then? You have the ‘go getter’ people who immediately act, jump and go go go…And you have the people who ‘slow down’ who wait, (may be a bit overwhelmed) and think first… What is your preference?
Create your personal compass
1. Just like a compass, make 2 crosses:
2. Instead of the 8 directions (N, NE, E, S etc) you write down at the end of each line one theme that is important in your life (eg Family, Work, Freedom, Development, Exercise); 8 in total.
3. Each line you define from 0 (core of the compass) to 10 (at the end of the line)
4. Now fill in how much time you actually spend on each theme and
connect the dots
5. Then fill in how much time you want to spend on each
theme and connect the dots
6. Look at the gaps: What does your compass tell you?
Are there big gaps or small, do you like what you see?
Do you want to change something? What can
you change now?
Watch the sea